Tourism destinations
Located in the historical territory of Alava, Zuia is the capital of the homonym Cuadrilla de Zuia. Besides, formed by 13 towns, Murguía is the main administrative town of Zuia. To begin with the visit, it should be noted that the big country houses most of the towns in Zuia have date back to the end of the Middle Ages. Most of them witnessed terrible family disputes.
Peñas de Oro, natural and culture enclave In the surroundings we will find the Peñas de Oro, full of beech and oak woods that protect the village. The panoramic views are fantastic. One of the main attractions of the tourists. Every newcomer will discover a sanctuary that dates back to the 16th century called the Santuario de Oro (Gold Sanctuary). This is the most outstanding building in the area. In addition to this, we must mention that most of Gorbeia Natural Park's area is located in Zuia's lands. Furthermore, in Sarría, village near Murgia, we will find the park's Interpretation Centre, Parketxea. In addition to this, among the big woods we can find the Jugatxi hermitage, typical rural building that dates back to the 13th century, which is home to a popular baroque retable. Jugatxi recreational area is located in the surroundings.
As a coda to these events, we can go to the honey museum in Murguía, where we'll get to know many curious things about this product. The museum has a honey extraction and bottling room where beekeepers can process their harvest.