

Tourism destinations


Lekeitio is a nice fishing village located on the coast of Bizkaia, in the Lea-Artibai region and based on the slopes of Otoio (399m) and Lumentza Mountains.

The river Lea flows into the sea in the municipality between Isuntza and Karraspio beaches, leaving to the left San Nicolás Island.

The streets of Lekeitio give the opportunity of enjoying an abundant artistic heritage, represented by the basilica of the Asunción de Santa María, with its magnificent gold-plated Gothic altarpiece, considered the third biggest in the Spanish state. Likewise, there are other interesting spots to visit such as the Uriarte, Oxangoiti, Uribarri and Abaroa palaces.

Attractive coastal spot

We'll begin our trip in the Independencia square, with its music kiosk and Pascual Abaroa's monument; we descend to the Txatxo port in order to see Lekeitio's fishing activity. At the back, the hermitage of San Juan Talako awaits with magnificent views of the coast.

Other places worth visiting are Isuntza Bridge, the San Nicolás Island, to which visitors can gain access on foot, and Santa Catalina lighthouse, all of them offer a privileged landscape and enhance the charm of this municipality. The Isuntza beach is also remarkable, as a nice walk along the beach will amaze visitors with the incomparable panoramic view.

Lekeitio's patron Saint festival is consecrated to San Antolin from September 1 to 8. Among the different activities we'd like to mention the goose day, September 5, which attracts many visitors. Besides, the festival of San Pedro takes place at the end of June; during the festival takes place the "Kaxarranka" dance, where one dancer dances over a chest held by eight fishermen.

Information of interest

Surface area
1.80 Km
No. of inhabitants
