Zerain Tourist Office | Tourist offices | Tourism Euskadi
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Tourist offices

Tourist Information Centre

Zerain Tourist Office

Kalitate Q agiria Praktika Onak Produktu Cluba Euskadiko Turismo Etika Itourbask

Zerain is one of the seventeen municipalities belonging to the Goierri region.

Its tourist office offers complete information about the most interesting spots in the area. In this office tourists can plan guided visits and excursions to know the emblematic places in Zerain and its surroundings: the sawmill of Larraondo, the mines of Aizpea, the Ethnographic Museum, the Zerain Cultural Park, the jail (built in 1711), etc.

Furthermore, visitors will have the chance of admiring the beautiful landscapes and historical buildings in a town, which has kept its traditional rural charme.

The office is open during the whole year and information is supplied in Basque, Spanish, English and French. There are local products for sale.

Information of interest

Herriko Plaza, s/n - 20214 Zerain
Opening hours

HIGH SEASON (July, August, Holy Week and long weekends):

Monday to Sunday: 10:30 am - 2 pm and 4pm - 6:30 pm


Tuesday to Thursday, Sundays and Public Holidays: 10:30 am- 2:00 pm

Fridays and Saturdays: 10:30 am -2 pm and 4 pm- 6:30 pm


  • Guided visit