Tolosa Tourist Office-Tolosaldea Tour | Tourist offices | Tourism Euskadi
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Tourist offices

Tourist Information Centre

Tolosaldea Tourist Office

Praktika Onak Produktu Cluba Euskadiko Turismo Etika Itourbask

Located between Aralar Natural Park and Ernio Massif, about 30 municipalities make up Tolosaldea region. Tolosaldea Tour provides the visitors with all types of information about accommodation, restaurants, the most interesting leisure activities, hiking routes to discover the natural charms of the area, and so on.

Do not forget the guided tours of Gorrotxategi Patisserie Museum, the Ethnographic Museum of Larraul or the Old Town of Tolosa, declared Official Complex of Monuments. It should also be highlighted the guided tour of fruit growing in Naera-Haundi. Varied products in connection with Tolosaldea available: books, DVDs and CDs. The office is open throughout the year and supplies information in Basque, Spanish, English. Spanish, French and Russian.

Information of interest

Plaza Zaharra, 10 - 20400 Tolosa
Opening hours

High Season (Easter, July and August):

Open every day: 10am - 2:30pm / 3:30pm - 7pm

Low Season:

Tuesday to Friday: 11am - 2pm / 4pm - 6pm

Saturday: 10am - 2pm / 4pm - 6pm

Sunday: 10am - 2pm 


  • Guided visit
  • Dogs allowed