Oņati Tourist Office | Tourist offices | Tourism Euskadi
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Tourist offices

Tourist Information Centre

Oņati Tourist Office

Kalitate Q agiria Produktu Cluba Euskadiko Turismo Etika Itourbask

The Oñati tourist office suggests four interesting tours aiming that visitors discover the most emblematic spots in the town, a symbol of the Basque Renaissance.

Thus, tourists will visit the Sancti Spiritus University (the first one in the Basque Country) or the university and the church of San Miguel. Besides, they can participate in the tours so-called "Oñati Histórico" (Historic Oñati), which goes around the most important civil and religious building in the downtown, or "Oñati Monumental" (Monumental Oñati), whose route includes the town's most famous monuments.

Furthermore, the office also puts at your disposal comprehensive information about accommodations and restaurants, and sells many local products. It is open during the whole year and information is supplied in Basque, Spanish, English and French.

Information of interest

San Juan, 14 - 20560 Oņati
Opening hours

Summer (June to September): Open every day: 9:30am - 2pm / 3:30pm - 7pm

May: Tue. - Fri: 10am - 2pm / 4pm - 6pm / Sat. -  Sun: 9:30am - 2pm / 3:30pm - 7pm

Winter (October to April): Tue. - Sun: 10am - 2pm / 4pm - 6pm


  • Guided visit