Festivities of San Pedro in Lekeitio | Local events in Basque Country | Tourism Euskadi
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Festivities of San Pedro in Lekeitio

Location Lekeitio

29 June
1 July

Kaxarranka, Kilin-Kala and Aurresku de Mujeres are traditional Basque dances well-known among the Basques.

San Pedro's festivity is the most important day in June. It is celebrated on the 29th and starts with the High Mass followed by San Pedro's procession, which leaves from the church of Santa María and walks down the streets up to the harbour. It is here where an unusual ceremony known as Kilin-Kala is held.

The procession members bear a statue of the Saint that will be bent over the water. The ritual is thought to be favourable for fishing. The local street band accompanies the bearers. Next, "dantzaris" (typical Basque dancers) perform the celebrated Kaxarranka. A man dances on a large chest or "kutxa" carried on eight fishermen's shoulders. The performance involves three parts: a "Zortziko", a "Fandango" and an "Arin-Arin". The dancing takes place first in the port, under the image of San Pedro. 

Then, people walk down the streets of the town passing by the house of the current fishermen guild president, the main square and the Town Hall accompanied by the sound of the "txistu" (Basque flute), the tabor and the kettledrum. At noon, classic Aurresku de Mujeres (women's aurresku) takes place in the town's main square. In the evening, the popular "tamborrada" (drums parade) marches down the streets. Next day is the turn of "San Pedro Txiki". Music performances are to be found aplenty. The local street band will offer a show under the image of San Pedro followed by an open-air dance at night in Tala, near the breakwater. 

At 11pm the local street band will set out on a short trip from Tala to the Town Hall stairs. On July 1st an open-air dance is scheduled to take place between Tortola and Beheko Kale Streets before the image of the Saint.

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